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How to choose SEO company?


SEO choice

When you are looking for someone to entrust the promotion of your site, the main thing is to remember that this work should be done by a good team or specialist. There are several ways to find them and arrange cooperation. Some people prefer to open an SEO vacancy and take him to the state. This option is chosen, as a rule, by managers who think narrowly and do not see the overall picture of the company’s work. Their main argument is that the full-time specialist will work exclusively on the project of his employer. But there are a number of negative consequences of such a decision. Check out our website to find out more about our affordable Denver SEO company. You need to spend a lot of money on maintaining SEO in the staff. In Denver, the average salary of such a specialist is 100 thousand dollars. If you work in another city, you will have to pay less, but there is a risk of losing a specialist who may find a job in the capital or decide to work remotely. Having such a position, he can afford to give up office work.

  • Contributions to the Pension Fund, compulsory health insurance, etc. add about 30% to expenses.
  • A full-time employee needs to equip a workplace, provide an opportunity to work out in a gym, provide food and a lot of other «rugs».
  • If the SEO works in the state, he is entitled to paid leave and sick leave.

All of the above allows us to conclude that hiring an SEO specialist can only be beneficial for a reputable company, for which the costs of maintaining it will not become an unbearable burden. If you have a small-scale business, it is better to choose one of these options. To solve simple tasks, you can use the services of a freelancer. He will fully cope with the selection of requests that are suitable in terms of frequency and will prepare texts by entering the keys into them. If you need comprehensive highly qualified assistance, it is better to contact the agency. In most cases, they are engaged in SEO-promotion in a complex, and the package of services costs several times less than the content of a SEO in the state. Costs for ordering high-quality Fort Collins SEO agency are from 2 thousand dollars monthly, which is cheaper than using traditional marketing tools.

Website SEO Optimization

SEO control

Having determined the amount of work required and choosing a SEO, you need to let him know that the solution to the tasks will be controlled. Specify the frequency of submission of reports on the work done (once a week or a month) and be sure to analyze them. To control the SEO to be really effective, we recommend following these recommendations:

  • watch the change in the position of the site pages for key queries from the semantic core. They may not immediately reach the top, but the promotion should be clear;
  • with proper optimization, the role of traffic coming from organic search results grows;
  • watch your link building build. It’s good if you have access to your personal account on the exchange where the links were bought. In it you can make sure that the purchased links are there and they are permanent;

It is also important to control the visibility of the resource in search engines, to estimate the number of search queries, in response to which your site is displayed in the search results. You can use Rush Analytics or Serpstat for this. For the listed indicators, you can ask for reports from the SEO specialist whom you entrusted with the campaign. If your website is optimized by an agency, reporting issues are specified in the contract. To make it easier for you to control your contractors, let’s decipher some of the professional terms used by SEOs. You should keep an eye on metrics such as originality, and keyword ratios, so these are the terms that will be discussed later.

  • Originality. Its percentage demonstrates how unique your content is. The optimal indicator is not less than 90%.
  • Key ratio. The words that are used most often should not exceed the established number (the maximum rate is 5%). To determine the percentage of this ratio, you need to divide the number of repeated words by the total number of words in the text and multiply by 100%.

And one more tip: control the absence of errors in the texts (spelling, grammatical and semantic). Do you want to find out more? Give aStash Fort Collins web designers and SEO experts a call for the top Denver SEO services.